Where NWA goes to Network.....online

A local networking resource on how, when and where to network in Northwest Arkansas
CalendarNetworking Tips

online networking

noun   |   on·line net·work·ing   |   \\aan·lain\\ \\net-wər-kiŋ \\

Since large groups cannot gather in person due to Covid-19, the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions via an online meeting space; specifically the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business

Source: Merriam-Webster (mostly)

You still need to network.

Just because you can’t meet in person doesn’t meet you can’t meet at all. In fact, we argue that you NEED to meet online, or on the phone, just so you don’t go stir crazy. We are here to make networking just a bit easier for you. All the events, what to expect, and how to act are here in one resource for your convenience. We take out the guesswork so all you have to do is…show up. Whether you are just getting started, or are a seasoned pro, this guide is for you.